Memory in Movements. 1968 in 2018

Annale Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, LII

di AA. VV.

37,50 € 50,00 € -25%

Since 1968, each anniversary produced – often valuable – insights into what has frequently been defined as a “magical year”. In fact, over the following decades, 1968 took on a life of its own, adapting the narratives to the specific concerns of different historical moments.
Rather than re-assessing the effects of 1968, this volume aims at investigating the presence of 1968 in the 2010s, starting from the assumption that today, in 2018, the memory of those events might seem nearer to us than on previous anniversaries. For sure, even if led by a perceived urgency of change, 1968 was located in a different historical context than today’s movements: at the peak of a period of economic growth and increased welfare.
Rather than commemorating the events, what the different contributions collected in this volume do, is reflecting upon how in fact the legacy of 1968 affects (oppositional) politics nowadays.
In this second part of the “Annale” we have included some documents of the protest movement of the international 1968, from the Usa, Italy, France, West Germany, Japan, China, Eastern Europe and Latin America.
The present collection of documents of collective movements includes a variety of prospects for 1968, on 1968, in 1968, to give back the warmth of the requests and the languages of a season that represented a crucial junction of the Twentieth century. We are convinced that the direct relationship with the sources represents an essential element to access a temper that too often was crushed by the weight of divisive memoirs or simplifications. It will be up to the reader to be amazed or surprised by the fragments of history and to evaluate, eventually, which perspectives can still be open to research.

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BookLab \ Memory in Movements 1968 in 2018

BookLab \ Memory in Movements 1968 in 2018

Mercoledì 12 dicembre alle 18.00 presso La Triennale di Milano, via Emilio Alemagna 6, Milano. Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli  presenta l’Annale 2018 Memory in Movements. 1968 in 2018 a cura di Donatella della Porta, una raccolta di contributi sulla memoria e sulle eredità del ’68 nella politica di oggi. Intervengono Carlo FeltrinelliDavid Bidussa, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Carmen Leccardi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Umberto Angelini, Triennale Teatro dll’Arte, Lorenzo Zamponi, Scuola Normale Superiore. Modera Eliana De Caro, Il Sole 24 Ore.

Memory in movements 1968 in 2018. A Roma

Mercoledì 5 dicembre alle 17.30 presso la Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso a Roma Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli presenta l’Annale 2018 Memory in Movements. 1968 in 2018 a cura di Donatella della Porta, una raccolta di contributi sulla memoria e sulle eredità del ’68 nella politica di oggi.