Concorso Il Gattopardo
Dal 10 al 23 febbraio partecipa al concorso acquistando almeno 30 euro di libri tra cui la nuova edizione Feltrinelli de Il Gattopardo, presso i negozi Feltrinelli aderenti, dove è...
di AA. VV.
“What are the realities that our eyes give back to us? And how are these realities filtered through lenses?” Over 1.300 people from all over the world accepted the creative challenge and sent in their manuscripts for Prada Journal, the first literary contest by Prada in collaboration with Feltrinelli Editore. In more than 30 languages.
Each of them used the metaphor of eyeglasses as a starting point to view the world through different lenses, to explore the surroundings and reformulate them through the written word. Mattia Conti, Leisl Egan, Angel Mario Fernández, Sarah Harris Wallman and Peng Yang are the five winners. heir stories, both in their original language and translated into English, make up this anthology, the first PRADA JOURNAL.